2 Affine Stereo

2.1 Perspective and projective camera models

The full perspective transformation between world and image coordinates is conventionally analysed using the pinhole camera model, in which image-plane coordinates (u, v) are ratios of world coordinates (xc, yc, zc) in a camera-centred frame, thus: u = fxc/zc, v = fyc/zc. The relation between the camera-centred and some other world coordinate frame consists of rotation (R) and translation (t) components representing the camera's orientation and position. Using homogeneous coordinates (with scale factor s for convenience),

The relation between image plane coordinates (u, v) and pixel addresses (X, Y) can be modelled by an affine transformation (to represent offsets, scaling and shearing). Combining this with (1) yields a general 3D to 2D projection, with 11 degrees of freedom:

This is the usual camera model for many stereo vision systems. Although it neglects effects such as lens distortion which are significant in some high-accuracy applications [15], it correctly predicts image distortion due to perspective effects e.g. parallel 3D lines projecting to intersect a vanishing point and the cross ratio (not ratio) of lengths is invariant to this transformation.

2.2 Weak perspective and affine camera models

Consider a camera viewing a compact scene of interest from distance h. For convenience, we can translate the world coordinate system so that the scene lies close to the world origin. The component of t along the optical axis, t3, will then equal h. As distance increases relative to the extent of the scene, sf / h will tend to unity for all points, and equation (2) becomes:

This formulation assumes that images are not distorted by variations in depth, and is known as weak perspective [13]. It is equivalent to orthographic projection scaled by a factor inversely proportional to the average depth, h. It can be shown that this assumption results in an error which is, at worst, Delta(h)/h times the scene's image size.

The entire projection, again incorporating scaling and shearing of pixel coordinates, may now be written very simply as a linear mapping:


The eight coefficients pij efficiently represent all intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters [15]. This simple approximation to the projection transformation - the affine camera [11] - will be used as the camera model throughout the paper. Its advantages will become clear later when it leads to efficient calibration and reduced sensitivity to image measurement error. Note that parallel lines project to parallel lines in the image and ratios of lengths and areas are invariant to the transformation.

2.3 Motion of planar objects under weak perspective

There are many situations in computer vision where an object must be tracked as it moves across a view. Here we consider the simple, but not uncommon, case where the object is small and has planar faces.

We can define a coordinate system centred about the object face itself so that it lies within the xy plane. If the object is small compared to the camera distance, we again have weak perspective, and a special case of (4):


We see that the transformation from a plane in the world to the image plane is a 2D affine translation. As the camera moves relative to the object, parameters aij will change and the image will undergo translation, rotation, change in scale (divergence) and deformation, but remain affine-invariant [8, 2] (figure 1).

This is a powerful constraint that can be exploited when tracking a planar object. It tells us that the shape of the image will deform only affinely as the object moves, and that there will exist an affine transformation between any two views of the same plane.

Figure 1: The gripper being tracked as it translates and rotates under weak perspective. The origin and sampling points of the tracker are shown in white. The front of the gripper is approximately planar, and its image shape distorts affinely as it moves under weak perspective.

2.4 The affine stereo formulation

In stereo vision two calibrated views of a scene from known viewpoints allow the Euclidean reconstruction of the scene. In the following two uncalibrated views under weak perspective projection are used to recover relative 3D positions and surface orientations.

Recovery of relative position from image disparity

We assume that the cameras do not move relative to the scene during each period of use. Combining information from a pair images, we have four image coordinates (X, Y, X', Y') for each point, all linear functions of the three world coordinates (xw, yw, zw):

where Q is a 4*4 matrix formed from the pij coefficients of equation (4) for the two cameras. To calibrate the system it is necessary to observe a minimum of four non-coplanar reference points, yielding sixteen simultaneous linear equations from which Q may be found. With noisy image data, greater accuracy may be obtained by observing more than four points.

Once the coefficients are known, world coordinates can be obtained by inverting (6), using a least-squares method to resolve the redundant information. Errors in calibration will manifest themselves as a linear distortion of the perceived coordinate frame.


  • It is not essential to calibrate a stereo vision system to obtain useful 3-D information about the world. Instead, four of the points observed may be given arbitrary world coordinates (such as (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0) and (1, 0, 0)). The appropriate solution for Q will define a coordinate frame which is an arbitrary 3-D affine transformation of the `true' Cartesian frame, preserving affine shape properties such as ratios of lengths and areas, collinearity and coplanarity. This is in accordance with Koenderink and van Doorn's Affine Structure-from-Motion Theorem [9].

  • In hand-eye applications, it might instead be convenient to calibrate the vision system in the coordinate space in which the manipulator is controlled (assuming this maps approximately linearly to Cartesian coordinates). This can be done by getting the robot manipulator to move to four points in its workspace.

  • The integration of information from more than two cameras to help avoid problems due to occlusion is easily accommodated in this framework. Each view generates two additional linear equations in (6) which can be optimally combined.

    Recovery of surface orientation from disparity gradients

    Under weak perspective any two views of the same planar surface will be related by an affine transformation that maps one image to the other. This consists of a pure 2D translation encoding the displacement of the centroid and a 2D tensor - the disparity gradient tensor - which represents the distortion in image shape. This transformation can be used to recover surface orientation [2]. Surface orientation in space is most conveniently represented by a surface normal vector n. We can obtain it by the vector product of two non-collinear vectors in the plane which can of course be obtained from three pairs of image points. There is, however, no redundancy in the data and this method would be sensitive to image measurement error. A better approach is to exploit all the information in available in the affine transform (disparity field).

    Consider the standard unit vectors X and Y in one image and suppose they were the projections of some vectors on the object surface. If the linear mapping between images is represented by a 2*3 matrix A, then the first two columns of A itself will be the corresponding vectors in the other image. As the centroid of the plane will map to both image centroids, we can easily use it and the above pairs of vectors to find three points in space on the plane (by inverting (6)) and hence the surface orientation.

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