Nick Hollinghurst

[Photo] E-Mail: njh (at)

Until April 2002 I was a research engineer at AT&T Laboratories Cambridge, where I worked in the Broadband Phone group; on SIP telephony, remote graphics and applications, and audio/video streaming.

Previously I worked in the DART multimedia retrieval group, mainly on the parsing, segmentation and indexing of digital video documents; and some of the infrastructure for the AT&TV experimental content-based video retrieval system.

I was also responsible for the sundial reader (admittedly, not the most useful application of image processing).

Before coming here, I was a graduate student at Cambridge University Engineering Department, investigating uncalibrated stereo vision for robotic applications.

For the time being this is more or less a facsimile of my old AT&T home page. More information to be added...

1 May 2001: added a brief technical history of the Broadband Phone.

Last update 1/5/2002 by njh