Nick Hollinghurst - Publications
N.Hollinghurst and R.Cipolla,
Uncalibrated Stereo Hand-Eye Coordination.
Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC'93,
Guildford, September 1993. [PDF (185k)]
- N.Hollinghurst and R.Cipolla,
Uncalibrated Stereo Hand-Eye Coordination.
Image and Vision Computing 12(3):187-192. April 1994. (Based on the above paper)
- R.Cipolla and N.J.Hollinghurst,
Visual Robot Guidance from Uncalibrated Stereo.
In: C.M.Brown and D.Terzopoulos (editors),
Real-Time Computer Vision. CUP, 1994.
(Also based on the above!)
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- R.Cipolla, P.A.Hadfield and N.J.Hollinghurst,
Uncalibrated Stereo Vision with Pointing for a Man-Machine Interface.
IAPR workshop on machine vision applications MVA'94.
Tokyo, December 1994.
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- R.Cipolla, N.J.Hollinghurst, A.H.Gee and R.R.Dowland,
Computer Vision in Interactive Robotics.
Assembly Automation 16(1), 1996.
- G.Hamid, N.Hollinghurst and R.Cipolla,
Identifying Planar Regions in a Scene using Uncalibrated Stereo
Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC'96, Edinburgh,
September 1996.
- R.Cipolla and N.Hollinghurst,
Visually Guided Grasping in Unstructured Environments.
Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems 19(3-4), 1997.
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- N.J.Hollinghurst,
Uncalibrated Stereo and Hand-Eye Coordination.
PhD dissertation, University of Cambridge, January 1997.
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- D.Pye, N.J.Hollinghurst, T.J.Mills and K.R.Wood,
Audio-Visual Segmentation for Content-Based Retrieval.
5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'98)
Sydney, Australia, Dec 1998.
[PDF (466k)]
- T.J.Mills, D.Pye, N.J.Hollinghurst and K.R.Wood,
AT&TV: Broadcast Television and Radio Retrieval.
Proc. RIAO 2000 (Recherche d'Informations Assistée par Ordinateur;
Computer Assisted Information Retrieval), Paris, April 2000.
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Nick Hollinghurst
Last modified: Thu Apr 18 13:49:12 BST